CC Moore Fishing Bait & Additives
CC Moore use their experience of over 25 years to help them develop baits which sit among some of the best on the UK market. With any of the products from this range, you will be heightening your catching chances more than you can imagine. CC Moore looks into every small detail so that their fishing baits are as attractive and as high performance as possible. Every product in the range here comes out of a collaboration between bait scientists and current anglers, so that CC Moore draw from the everyday needs of angling and feed that into their cutting edge technological processes of development.
CC Moore Live System
CC Moore's products often take years to develop, fine tune, tweak and test before they are released, and this attention to detail is what makes their Live System so effective. The Live System range includes boilies, pop ups, bait boosters and more. All the products are highly digestible and offer a sweet creamy taste. The attractive scent, easy eating and pleasant taste encourages confident feeding even in testing conditions. The Live System set has been part of CC Moore's arsenal since 2003, and there is a good reason why it has remained at the top of the bunch for many seasoned anglers.
CC Moore Boilies
CC Moore have a proven track record with their products. Every year more and more prized big fish are being caught using their boilies. Their smooth, chemical free boilies are very attractive for fish; once they have a taste of them, they will be coming back for more. The perfect mix of natural ingredients in their Odyssey boilies, for instance, will give you a long term option that will perform all through the year in different conditions. Once again, one of the best things about these boilies is that CC Moore have worked out how best to induce confident feeding in fish, so that they will be focused on the food and therefore be more likely to drop their guard down.
CC Moore Pop-ups
The pop-ups we have available are extremely buoyant and durable. They have a powerful taste and aroma, perfect for drawing the attention of your fish. These go perfectly with your Live System Boilies, as they are made using the same base liquid, and they even colour match the Live System sets too.
CC Moore additives
As well as having plenty of baits available from the CC Moore range, we also have some highly effective CC Moore additives. This includes some extremely useful bait boosters such as their Pacific Tuna Bait Booster. This soluble and easily digestible booster liquid has an alluring, long-lasting and natural taste. As well as tuna bait boosters there are also boosters to go along with CC Moore's Odyssey bait range. All these boosters for bait contain an intense, concentrated burst of nutrients which will offer a distinct sensory presence in the water, dispersing through the water column and attracting your fish of choice with great effect.